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7 Advantageous Features of Stainless Steel Pressure Cookers

item in a kitchen

Stainless steel pressure cookers will always be a precious addition to every kitchen today. There are many different models of these cookers and these are considered to be more efficient in nutrients and vitamin retention but this is just a tip of the iceberg as there are many other benefits that you are assured of when using them.

It is however important to look for a pressure cooker that is made of high grade stainless steel as this is the only way to be assured of quality and durability.

1. Durability

Compared to aluminum, stainless steel pressure cookers are more expensive but they are also heavy to some extent and nonporous. The cost is however compensated by the fact that they can be used for generations without loosing their luster.

The material however has a downside as it is not a good conductor of heat and during your purchase, it is important to look for a pressure cooker that has an aluminum layered base on the outside. By so doing, you will be assured of enhanced heating performance and characteristic of the stainless steel pressure cookers.

2. Energy efficiency

In addition, you should look for a model that has a triple wall base (copper, core-SS or SS-aluminum. This will reduce incidents of burned foods while at the same time retaining heat for longer moments. Such models also heats very fast thus helping in enhanced energy efficiency. SS p/c can be used on different heat sources including camp, electric and gas stoves, charcoal and BBQ grills among others.

3. Material features

Another great feature associated with stainless steel pressure cookers is that they are constructed from heavy copper coated or 3-layer bottoms which help to spread the heat uniformly due to lower thermal conductivity of the material.

4. Dishwasher safe

The latest technology has manufactured many models of pressure cookers that are dishwasher safe. However, always follow the given instructions when cleaning your stainless steel appliance. You will also find some models that have non-sticker interiors.

5. Fine and non-aging finish

Compared to aluminum, stainless steel pressure cookers have a fine and “non-aging” finish. This means that despite the many years of use, your pressure cooker will still look new and attractive, a feature that you will definitely cherish.

6. Easy to clean

Unlike aluminum counterparts, stainless steel cookers do not stain and this makes it easier to maintain and clean them. No matter what you cook in your stainless steel pressure cooker, cleaning does not give you headache and is usually very fast.

7. Many cooking options

Stainless steel cookers are also good for many functions including browning and sautéing prior to pressure cooking due to their thicker bottoms. This is a major advantage especially when you consider that aluminum pressure cookers do not offer this option. While browning and sautéing your food, you do not need to give it too much attention and especially when using low heat.

Despite the fact that stainless steel pressure cookers are durable and can serve different generations, it is always good to look for one that offers you the best warranty, period. This is guaranteeing safety in case of any eventualities. Always go for a large pressure cooker as this allows you to cook large portions of food without stress. 

Originally posted 2019-09-24 19:18:43.